That's right. I'm a dog mom now. It's been a long time coming, but two weeks ago today, we adopted a dog from the local shelter. His name is Eugene, and he's a two-year-old dachshund mix, and I love him to bits. We first visited the shelter on July 31st, and he'd just been brought... Continue Reading →
Depression, Anxiety, and Impossible Tasks
Hi there, it's me. I know it's been awhile, over four months, in fact. I thought about apologizing, but I think I've done that before after my other long blogging hiatuses. So I'm not going to apologize, because I've been dealing with some important shit. For those of you who are new or irregular readers... Continue Reading →
My last post was about my March goals, which are extensive. Today's post is about how I'm not going to achieve those goals and why that's okay. I've been struggling with carpal tunnel, primarily in my right wrist, which is the weaker of the two owing to an old injury. I think it's being caused... Continue Reading →
Confessions of a Ghost
Edit: this is part one of a series I'll be writing on some recent personal growth. I realized I needed to present the context for the rest of the series. A quick Google search for ghosting pulls up the following definition: "the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation... Continue Reading →
Day of Silence Past and Present
Every year, in April, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network) sponsors The Day of Silence. "...Day of Silence is a student-led national event...bringing awareness to the silencing effects of anti-LGBTQ name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Students...take a vow of silence in an effort to encourage schools and classmates to address the problem of anti-LGBTQ... Continue Reading →
I’m Out of Excuses, Part Two
Note: Previously, I described the events leading up to the start of the Writing Excuses Retreat 2016. For those of you who are behind the times, you can catch up here. And now... Words are hard to find, sometimes. The flit through my mind, sometimes landing for a moment, resting. I'll mull them over, consider... Continue Reading →
End of Summer?
The first red and orange leaves have made their appearance, though two days ago, the thermometer in the car read 93* F, and it was sunny enough for my pale Celtic skin to burn as we played our last gig of the summer. It used to be summer lasted until the start of the school... Continue Reading →
Orlando and Other Thoughts
Geez, I'm so behind on my blogging, I don't know where to begin. There are so many things that have happened, so many feelings I want to share, so many moments I want to preserve. How do I prioritize that bundle of highs and lows? How do I sort through the slurry of triumph and... Continue Reading →
This weekend, Maine held both the Republican and Democratic Caucuses. Up until now I have never participated in a caucus. Being only 23 years old there was only one other caucus that I've been eligible to participate in and that took place during the time when I was sick as a dog lying in bed... Continue Reading →
To Give Thanks
November has been mild. The turkeys are fat, no need to burn extra calories by shivering. We got two turkeys from a local farmer who also provides us with eggs and pork: one turkey to eat on feast day, the other to save for the lean winter months. Between the two of them, our turkeys... Continue Reading →