As I mentioned last post, I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I was hesitant about doing NaNo again, cuz I find it to be a pretty hit or miss experience for me. Some years it's great for knocking out a rough draft and getting a story that's been in my head for a while down... Continue Reading →
Update and NaNo 2019
Hello. After the awesomeness of my September Writing Challenge, October was a bit more chill on the writing side of things. I met with my writing group to go over their feedback on one of my novels, and I've been working on rereading that novel and making my editorial notes before I dive into revisions.... Continue Reading →
September Story Challenge 2019
Okay, phew, I made it. I survived my September Story Challenge without my brains gooing out of my ears and jamming up my keyboard. And, it went better than I anticipated it would, so there's a win. But let's break things down into specifics, shall we? My goal was to make 30 short story submissions... Continue Reading →
September Story Challenge: The First Ten Days
As I stated in my September Goals post, I've decided to dedicate the month of September to writing short stories. Specifically, I plan to submit one short story each day during the month of September. It's been ten days, so how's it going. It's going well, better than I anticipated. It hasn't been easy by... Continue Reading →
Word Press Anniversary
Apparently, today is my sixth anniversary as a WordPress user, which seems as good an excuse as any to finally break out of my virtual hermitage and write an update post. So, where have I been? What have I been up to? How am I doing? All good questions. I even have answers to them.... Continue Reading →
April Postmortem
Continuing my new tradition of keeping track of my goals from month to month (we'll see how long I can keep this up), it's time to see how April went and what my plans for May are. Before I get down into the nitty-gritty, I know that I didn't achieve as much as I did... Continue Reading →
Postcapes: Unpacking a Workshop
April 16th, 17th and 18th - a week after landing on US soil - I hauled myself up to the Sundance Resort in Utah (thanks Cousin B for the lift) to attend the Futurescapes Writing Workshop. There, I had the opportunity to get critique on an excerpt of my novel, a query letter, and a... Continue Reading →
March in Review
At the start of this month, I wrote a post outlining my writing goals. Now that March is over I'd like to examine how well I did considering that I was dealing with a wrist injury and to outline my April goals. So, How'd I Do? 1.) My first priority was completing the first draft of... Continue Reading →
My last post was about my March goals, which are extensive. Today's post is about how I'm not going to achieve those goals and why that's okay. I've been struggling with carpal tunnel, primarily in my right wrist, which is the weaker of the two owing to an old injury. I think it's being caused... Continue Reading →
For Accountability
My goal this year is to write three complete novel first drafts so that I get into the habit of finishing things. I figured that since I've spent the last two years focused almost exclusively on revisions that having a drafting goal would be a good thing. So far, it's going surprisingly well. As of... Continue Reading →