I've been writing sporadically, lately. It's a difficult time of year for me. I don't come from a religious household and my dad's had to work more than half the Christmas's of my life. This year he worked a double shift on Christmas Day. I don't mind that. When I was little, it meant that... Continue Reading →
Resentment Cookies
'Tis the season for Holiday Parties, Secret Santa, Eggnog, and cookie baking. Now, I love to bake. I like the process, the exactness of it. I suppose you could say that I like the chemistry of it. But this time of year, I hate to bake. I guess you could expand that to say that... Continue Reading →
My Thanks
One of the things about growing up with a father who works in Emergency Medicine is that he's never been guaranteed to get the holidays off. So, we've gotten used to celebrating Thanksgiving on Friday or Saturday or once we even celebrated it an entire week after the official holiday. This year we're celebrating tomorrow.... Continue Reading →
One Third
I began writing the very earliest version of my book when I was fourteen. It started with a dream in which I was Wendy and Peter Pan got me pregnant and I ran away to a magical land and became an immortal queen. None of that original dream features in the current draft of my... Continue Reading →
And That’s a Wrap
Well not quite a wrap. David, our sound engineer still has to do his thing, but we got everything recorded that we wanted to record over the course of seven hours split between two days. There may be one or two songs that we'll record again, but for the most part we're all very happy... Continue Reading →
Tea and Adrenalin
Yesterday, was our first day of recording. I mentioned that I had a sore throat. It vanished completely with the aid of massive quantities of tea and adrenalin. The recording process itself, went over fairly smoothly. We did an average of two takes for each song. (Some we did three takes for, some we got through... Continue Reading →
Today, the band is starting to record our first album. Needless to say it's an exciting, nerve-wracking day, made all the more nerve-wracking by the fact that I spent last night trying to cough up a lung and this mourning my throat is rough as sandpaper. It's getting better with each subsequent cup of tea... Continue Reading →
Be Nice
I thought I'd take a moment today to talk about my least favorite aspect of the internet: trolls. I hate them. I hate that they feel that they can get away with saying hurtful things to strangers because they're anonymous. I hate that there's rarely any consequence for trolling. Some people may say I'm being... Continue Reading →
Thoughts on a Snowy Day
The snow has stopped. The sun is out. The sky is blue. The roads are blocked and the power is still out. I've taken refuge in my grandparent's house, where they have power and hot water and heat. Despite all this, I will not revise my statement from yesterday's post: I love snowy days. Unconditionally.... Continue Reading →
It’s Snowing
There's a fire in the wood stove, dogs piled in front of it, their fur slightly damp from melting snow. My parents are on the sofa, my mother reading a magazine, my father on his ipad. I sit at my computer, thinking how much I love snow. There's no sign of my brother yet, but he's... Continue Reading →