
Belief is a difficult subject. It is so personal and individual that I don't much like talking about what I specifically believe in. Truth be told, I don't believe in much. I don't believe life has a greater purpose beyond the continuation of life itself. Individuals give greater meaning to their own lives. They can... Continue Reading →

My Thanks

One of the things about growing up with a father who works in Emergency Medicine is that he's never been guaranteed to get the holidays off. So, we've gotten used to celebrating Thanksgiving on Friday or Saturday or once we even celebrated it an entire week after the official holiday. This year we're celebrating tomorrow.... Continue Reading →

Be Nice

I thought I'd take a moment today to talk about my least favorite aspect of the internet: trolls. I hate them. I hate that they feel that they can get away with saying hurtful things to strangers because they're anonymous. I hate that there's rarely any consequence for trolling. Some people may say I'm being... Continue Reading →


When I was eight years old, my family made the move from Colorado to Missouri so that my father could attend medical school. At first, the move was an adventure: a new state, a new town, a new school, new friends. But the adventure quickly vanished under the weight of loneliness and fear. It was... Continue Reading →

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